Industrial practice in the discipline "Pharmacognosy" at the ESRC Ak-Bulun of the I. K. Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy

From 05.06.2023 to 16.06.2023 on the basis of the Memorandum of Cooperation between JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy" and "I.K. Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy" on the basis of the educational, sports and recreational complex Ak-Bulun under the program of academic mobility the following 3rd year students of the educational program "Pharmacy" passed the industrial practice:

1. Askerbek Aiyazhan В-PKA-01-20
2. Kobey Balzhan В-PKA-01-20
3. Manap Aidana В-PKA-01-20
4. Bogdan Arailym В-PKB-01-20
5. Serikbay Merey В-PKB-01-20
6. Yergeldi Yersultan В-PKB-01-20
7. Mukhan Tomiris В-PKA-02-20
8. Meiyirbrkova Aruzhan В-PKB-01-20
9. Tulegen Assem В-PKA-02-20
10. Mirzakhmatov Davron В-PKB-02-20

The students of the SKMA were under the guidance of the senior teacher of the Department of Pharmacognosy Ibragimova Z.Y., as well as the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Medicines of the KSMA Faculty of Pharmacy Murataliyeva A.D., Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department and Lecturer, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of medical remedies Namatpayeva A. R.
A meeting of the two parties took place, which was led by the vice-rector for scientific and medical work Mamatov N.N., head of the international relations department Yussupova T.B., specialist of the practice department Sultanaliyeva V.T., head of the department Murataliyeva A.D., teacher Yermekova D.U. Further, the parties discussed the possibilities of further development of bilateral cooperation in the field of experience and science. We visited an excursion to the Museum of Plastination of the KSMA and the National Historical Museum of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The goal of the industrial practice: Consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge about wild and cultivated medicinal plants, the formation of knowledge, the improvement of practical skills in the preparation, storage, processing of medicinal plant materials, the rationale for the use of products derived from medicinal plants and the protection of their resources.

Over the years of its existence, the Academy has become a center of science, and not only of pharmaceutical education. Currently, in addition to the phased implementation of the new concept of pharmaceutical education, the academy is conducting targeted research on topical issues of drug policy in the Kyrgyz Republic. A scientific center for the standardization of medicines has been organized, equipped with new modern equipment, the main direction of which is quality control of medicines, their standardization, the study of specific pharmacological properties, conducting preclinical studies, and developing regulatory and technical documentation at the stage of registration of medicines in Kyrgyzstan.

Collection of medicinal plants in the Kyrchyn and Jeti-Oguz gorges

At the end of the industrial practice, we have mastered the following practical skills:
• Determination of MP and MPRM on the basis of morphological features
• Determination of possible impurities in MPRM.
• Herbarium of plants of different life forms (trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants).
• Collection of medicinal plant materials of various morphological groups.
• Primary processing, drying and marking of plant raw materials.
• Carrying out pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plant materials.
• Ability to properly store medicinal plant materials.
• Packaging, labeling and transportation of medicinal plant materials.

Among the students of SKMA and KSMA, competitions were held in the camp, which consisted of 3 stages:
1. Musical.
2. Sports
3. Identification of medicinal plants.

Students of SKMA fruitfully completed their work experience and awarded certificates for active participation in organized competitions.

We express our gratitude to the Rector of the SKMA - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryssbekov Myrzabek, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy professor Orynbassarova Kulpan, rector of KSMA, doctor of medical sciences, professor Kudaibergenova Indira, teachers of the department "Pharmacognosy and chemistry of medicines".

29.06.2023, 16:58