From 06/03/2024 to 06/14/2024, as part of academic mobility, 3rd-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy completed an internship at the State Educational Institution "Tajik State Medical University" named after Abuali ibni Sino (TSMU).
1.Alikhanov Umida Aibekovna V-FKA-01-21
2.Shymkent Bay Ayazhan Amankeldievna V-FKA-02-21
3.Akberdieva Ulzhan Yerzhanova V-FCB-02-21
4.Myrzabek Aidana Dauletovna V-FCB-02-21
5.Yuldashbekov Shakhzod Aibekovich V-FO-03-21
All of them were led by the senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Ibrahimova Z.E., as well as the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and OEF, PhD, Associate Professor Rachabov G.O. and senior lecturer Boroniev N.S.
The basis for the practice of pharmacognosy was the Department of Pharmacognosy and the OEF, the educational, scientific and production centers of the State Medical University (TSMU).
At the Department of Pharmacognosy and the OEF of the UNIPC "Pharmacy" there is a place for storing and drying freshly harvested medicinal raw materials, the necessary equipment for cutting and processing, as well as for packaging raw materials brought to standard condition for further use and sale and provision of medical facilities and the population of the city of Dushanbe. On the first day, we got acquainted with the teachers of the department and educational departments, received brief information about the plants growing in Tajikistan and the flora of this place.
The purpose of the practice is to consolidate and deepen theoretical knowledge about wild and cultivated medicinal plants, to form knowledge and improve practical skills on harvesting, storage and processing of medicinal plant raw materials with justification for the use of medicinal plant products and the protection of their resources.
During the meeting with the rector of TSMU, MD, Prof. M.K. Gulzoda, issues of further cooperation on the exchange of students of industrial practice, teachers, internship of undergraduates, participation in joint scientific projects were discussed.
A meeting of the two countries took place, which was led by the Vice-rector for Scientific and Publishing Activities, MD, Mukhabbatzoda, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, PhD, Yuldashova U.P. Further, the parties discussed the possibilities of further development of bilateral cooperation in the field of experience and science. Students of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and students of the Samarkand State Medical University visited the "Therapeutic Diagnostic Simulation Center" of TSMU.
The II International Conference of Young Scientists and Students was held within the framework of the summer school on pharmacognosy and pharmacology. Students of the 3rd year of the educational program "Pharmacy" of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy presented the results of project-oriented training on the following topics at the conference:"Phytochemical analysis of polysaccharides contained in the roots of chicory (cichorium intybus l)" -Myrzabek Aidana, and there were reports on the topics: "Morphological- botanical description of the blue blackberry"-Alikhanov Umida, "Features of the Allium Cepae plant chemical composition and methods of use"-ShymkentBay Ayazhan with an introduction to student scientific works of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan in the field of medicinal plant research.
SKMA students were awarded certificates for their active participation in the work of the international summer school of the Abu Ali Ibni Sino State State Medical University on the topic: "Botanical and pharmacognostic characteristics of wild medicinal plants of the Republic of Tajikistan and their use in traditional medicine" within the framework of the academic mobility program.
Our students also conducted practical training in the mountains of Varzob (eastern part),Onzob (northern part), Romit (southern part). And there they got acquainted with wild, poisonous and cultivated medicinal plants.
Students acquired the following skills: conducting primary processing, drying and labeling of plant raw materials, conducting pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plant raw materials, the ability to properly store medicinal plant raw materials, packaging, labeling, transportation of medicinal plant raw materials.
Our students spent the day of Kazakhstan. A table was set for the faculty department and students.
As part of the cultural program, students got acquainted with the sights of Dushanbe and the national dishes and traditions of Tajikistan.
We express our gratitude to the rector of SKMA – MD, Professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashevich, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Ph.D., Acting Professor Orynbasarova Kulpan Kenzhebaevna, Rector of TSMU Gulzoda Mahmadshoh Kurbonali, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and OEF, PhD, Associate Professor Rachabov Gadomad Odinaevich.