Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education


In the period from 12 to 13 may 2015 took the external audit within specialized accreditation in the International Kazakh-Turkish University H. A.Yassavi (Turkestan).

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The expert group of the South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy Department of Organization and Management of pharmaceutical business was incorporated as an expert representative of the student undergraduate of specialty "Pharmacy" Bubeshova Maria.

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Activities of the Independent Kazakhstan agency aims to develop the intellectual and spiritual potential of the nation, the unconditional implementation of the tasks set by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to ensure the competitiveness of higher education and the recognition of the international community of Kazakhstan's education.

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Bubeshova M. took an active part in the work of the external audit team IКQAAЕ.


21.05.2015, 07:00