«Independence оn a high pedestal»

On December 7, 2021, at the Medical College of JSC “South Kazakhstan Medical Academy”, in the “Department of General education disciplines” organized a round table in honor of the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, student’s scientific- practical conference named “Independence оn a high pedestal ”

The scientific event was attended by director of the Medical College Kushkarova A.M., deputy director for educational work Taizhanova M. A., head of the Department of general education disciplines Sataev A. T., teachers of the department and students of the college. As you know, our beautiful, strong-willed swallows took part in the events of 1986. Therefore, we know that every word they convey to us is valuable and honorable. G.B. Ospanova, deputy chairman of the Shymkent City branch of the Republican public Association of the Patriotic Movement "December truth", was invited as a distinguished guest of the conference.

December uprising. The reason for this uprising cannot be considered unilaterally, expressed in one word, explained. In memory of the feat of the national heroes who took part in the December events, a minute of silence was announced.

Our ancestors went through a lot of events on the way to independence. Another important thing that remained in history is the December 1986 events. Deputy chairman of the Shymkent City branch of the Republican public Association of the Patriotic Movement "December truth" G. B. Ospanova, who came to the conference, said that thanks to the events of December 1986, we have achieved the sovereignty that we have dreamed of for many years, that on the way to independence, many of our young people were killed on false charges, we are all covered with blood. He said that we cannot prove that we are a country, a land and a native language, no matter what nation, without these three, we are a sovereign country.

The purpose of the conference is to highlight the importance of independence for the Kazakh people, its achievements and difficulties encountered in this process, as part of the celebration of Independence Day on December 16, and to make a contribution to increasing the significance and significance of the Independence Day of Kazakhstan.

The head of the department A. T. Satayev made a brief report on the achievements of the country on the way to independence, and also discussed the future prospects of Kazakhstan, which has a 30-year history. Students read reports on the topic and shared their opinions. Reports on the achievements of today's sovereign country under the leadership of the leader of the nation N. A. Nazarbayev were read out from the ancient history of the Kazakh people, who longed for independence.
We will never forget the high-spirited young people who gave their lives to the path of independence. Let their courage be an example for us. Let's keep the flag of Independence High and move forward! May the future of our country be perfect, and the future be bright!

13.12.2021, 16:05