Independence dawns forever!

On 23.12.2021 in a large assembly hall of SKMA in honour of 30-years anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan Medical College at South Kazakhstan Medical Academy organized an event among specialized secondary educational institutions of Shymkent city "Tauelsizdik taniy-mangilik!", within the framework of which the opening of debating tournament took place. Salim Yerbol Kaltursynovich, Head of Social Issues and Youth Policy Department, Meruert Ayubekovna Tazhieva, Deputy Director of Medical College and Isaira Elmira Nuridenbetovna, Head of Technical Professional Education Centre of Shymkent Methodological Centre made welcoming speeches at the opening of the event.

Around 10 teams from colleges in our city took part in the event. The next stage of the tournament kicked off in SKMA Building 2.

28.12.2021, 21:29