On October 10, 2021, in the auditorium No. 210 of Building No. 2, organized by the teacher of the Kazakh language of the Department of general education disciplines Zh.s. Sarymsakova, an open educational hour was held for the group of MK-02-21 on the topic "in the world of literature".

As the great Kazakh writer Mukhtar Auezov said, "in this era, a person who did not know his language, literature, and did not respect it is not a full-fledged intellectual. When every person's best friend is a book, this rich friendship begins first with a book of literature."

3 groups took part in the competition:
Group I"Abay"
Group II "Ibrai"
Group III"Fariza"


Stages of the competition:
Stage I" hello-mother of words " each group introduces themselves.
Stage II expressive reading of the poem" poem-word pastshasy word sarasy".
Stage III "Baiga". Answer questions without hesitation.
Stage IV" golden basket " proverbial response to the given word.

As part of the jury, the head of the Department Sataev A. T., responsible for educational work Altynbek G. K., teacher of the Kazakh language Isabekova A. A. judged and gave a fair assessment.

19.10.2021, 12:43