The teaching staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry and the Department of Strategic Development and International Cooperation of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SKMA) held a three-day master class for the teaching staff of the pharmaceutical faculty of the Tajik State Medical University (TSMU) within the framework of the WDB project «Innovative development of pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Tajikistan».

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The aim of the seminar was consulting and methodological assistance in the implementation of the principle of «Learning through research» and in the process of the seminar the methodological foundations of scientifically-oriented training in the educational program «Pharmacy» were given.

On the first day, the head of the department, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor Ordabaeva S.K. introduced the organization of research activities in SKMA on the example of the experience of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry. After discussing scientific directions between the two universities, we started the second part of the seminar on the topic «ORCID, Research Gate in the modern scientific communication of a scientist.» The first day of the seminar was fixed in the form of registration in ORCID and Research Gate, in international scientometric databases such Scopus, PubMed and writing a SWOT analysis for the scientific activities of a university teacher.

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On the second day of the seminar, the participants were provided with materials on research-oriented training and experience in using this technology at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry. A model for ranking the competencies of a researcher depending on the level of his training, key strategies of scientific research in the teaching process, classification of RBL models based on the relationship between learning and research was demonstrated. And the proposed example with a step-by-step scenario of conducting classes on the example of RBL in the discipline «Bioanalytical Chemistry and Toxicology» gave a transparent methodological picture for involving students of medical education and science organizations in scientific research, about their number of advantages for the university, students and stakeholders of the organization.

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The third day seminar on the topic «Organization and conduct of scientific research in the field of medical education» was no less relevant than the previous ones. Since the standards of the World Federation of Medical Education for improving the quality of basic medical education recommend the widespread use of evidence-based technologies and approaches in the educational process, the wide involvement of teachers of medical universities in research of educational programs and technologies. Research in medical education in recent years has become an integral part of national systems for the training of medical personnel, allowing to identify the shortcomings of existing educational programs, find more effective models and approaches, make informed decisions and respond to changing health needs, both at the national and international levels. All this dictates the need to introduce the practice of conducting regular research in domestic organizations of medical education. The seminar participants were given valuable information on writing educational programs and technologies that are achieved in the course of research results in medical education, the influence of qualitative and quantitative research methods on a significant increase in the training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel.

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At the final seminar with the teaching staff of the TSMU, Faculty of Pharmacy, Professor Ordabaeva S.K. emphasized the competent position on the introduction of credit technology in this university and the creation of favorable conditions for the transition of the faculty to modern trends in the global educational space.

We hope that after studying our experience in the implementation of credit technology in accordance with the modern requirements of the European quality standards in education, which are aimed at a competence-based approach, TSMU named after Abu Ali ibni Sino in the process of modernization of the educational program in the specialty «Pharmacy» will achieve a high quality of pharmaceutical education.

08.04.2021, 06:36