Implementation of the project under the aegis of the World Development Bank

Within the framework of the project "Innovative development of pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Tajikistan", a group of SKMA teachers a number of trainings and seminars for the teaching staff of TSMU named after Abuali Ibni Sino from November 15 to November 19, 2021conducted.
First vice-rector of SKMA, professor Esirkepov M.M. in a solemn atmosphere presented the diploma of honorary professor of the Academy to the rector of TSMU, professor M.K. Gulzoda. Further Esirkepov M.M. in the working group discussed topical issues of research methodology.

At the request of TSMU teachers, trainings by Professor S.K. Ordabaeva and associate professor Serikbaeva A.D. were devoted to the issues of an objective structured practical exam of students on the example of disciplines of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry and active teaching methods, including the "Analysis of a Specific Situation" (ACS).

Professor Shertaeva K.D. shared the experience of using criteria-based assessment of students and methodological approaches in conducting production practices "Organization of pharmaceutical activities" and "Management and economics of pharmacy".

Associate professor Ibragimova A.G. and professor Sagyndykova B.A. conducted training on the topic "Development and updating of educational programs", "Quality assurance of educational programs." We settled on the horizontal integration of a modular educational program in the specialty "Pharmacy", on project training, on the development of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines.

Scientists from SKMA took an active part in the First International Congress of Pharmacists of Tajikistan, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and the 40th anniversary of the Faculty of Pharmacy. The Congress was held with the participation of scientists from medical universities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, far abroad, practical employers, heads of large pharmaceutical enterprises, business structures, associations of scientific and practical workers.
In his welcoming speech on behalf of the SKMA team, Professor Shertaeva K.D. expressed her deep gratitude to the management and staff of the university for creating a favourable platform for the introduction of a credit-modular education system in the preparation of competitive personnel who are competent in market labor conditions. On behalf of the rector of SKMA, professor Rysbekov M.M., a memorable souvenir was presented to the rector of the TSMU, professor Gulzoda M.K.

Scientists from SKMA actively participated in the plenary and sectional sessions of the Congress. Professor Ordabaeva S.K. and associate professor Serikbayeva A.D. shared scientific achievements in the development and standardization of new drugs, experience in the use of innovative teaching methods in a credit-modular system in a distance mode. The audience was interested in the report on the development of pharmacopoeia al methods for the determination of new imidazole derivatives using physicochemical methods, features of the HPLC method, validation criteria, ways of equilibration of the mobile phase, determination of impurities, etc.
Professor Sagyndykova B.A. acquainted the audience with the experience of teaching drug technology in a credit-modular system. Report of Associate Professor Ibragimova A.G. was dedicated to project learning in pharmaceutical training programs.
The Congress participants also raised topical issues on the development of the pharmaceutical industry, regulation of drug policy in the Republic of Tajikistan in comparison with the countries of Central Asia.

The working group ended its visit by participating in the round table "Innovative technologies in increasing the efficiency of the educational process". The participants of the round table shared their impressions of the seminars, noted for themselves the ways to improve the EP based on the information materials received, also discussed further plans for cooperation between the two universities in scientific areas.

Thus, the modern experience of the Faculty of Pharmacy of SKMA has become an arsenal for the introduction of innovative teaching technologies into the educational process of the Faculty of Pharmacy of TSMU and the effective implementation of a credit system based on modular-oriented education.

29.11.2021, 11:09