Implementation of project-oriented technology in teaching the history of Kazakhstan

Mastering the fundamental values that form the basis of national culture, the native language, which awakens people spiritually, the revival of traditions, the complete restoration of the historical past of the people, civic involvement in the present - this is the path to the formation of historical self-awareness, which constitutes the spiritual platform of independence. It is during the years of study at a university that they get the opportunity to develop and consolidate skills for self-development, further interest in the historical fate of the country, empathy for its future, realize their potential as a citizen and patriot, and the need to broaden their horizons. The implementation of project-oriented technology in teaching the history of Kazakhstan helps create conditions for the development of creative abilities and personality traits of the student and build the student’s professional personal trajectory starting from the first year.
This year marks the 300th anniversary of the events “Aktaban Shubyrindy and Alkakol Sulam” in the history of Kazakhstan. In this regard, in order to implement project-oriented learning technology, senior lecturer of the department Algabek Kabyl and students of the study group BM-MKB-1-23/B1 of the educational program “Medicine” took part and made a report on the topic “The bloody massacre that stunned the Kazakhs.” Algabek Kabyl gave an interview about this to the Aigak and HAN TV channels, which took place in the Museum of Victims of Political Repression. After an educational meeting dedicated to the 22nd anniversary of the opening of the museum institution, students got acquainted with the museum’s exhibition. The history of the country will not be forgotten!

07.11.2023, 17:26