Implementation of activities of the World Bank project "Innovative development of pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Tajikistan"

In the period from 17 to 20 November 2020 activities were continued in accordance with the terms of reference of the project.

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The speakers of the seminar, the head of the educational and methodological center and the chairman of the educational programs committee of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SKMA) presented the report "Modern problems and promising directions for the development of pharmaceutical education", information was provided for the development of the goals of the educational program "Pharmacy", plans for development and improvement content of the educational program "Pharmacy" of the Tajik State Medical University (TSMU).

The head of the educational and methodological center of SKMA presented the experience of the project management group "Concept of training pharmaceutical personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan" of the Educational and methodological association of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international experience in training pharmaceutical personnel, staffing the pharmaceutical industry, personnel needs - problems and solutions , the work plan of the Project Management Group and the prospects for the development of educational programs "Pharmacy" in the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The practical part of the seminar was devoted to the development of learning outcomes for the graduate of the educational program "Pharmacy". TSMU representatives completed three practical tasks. A detailed methodology for the development of learning outcomes at the level of the educational program, modules and individual disciplines, Dublin descriptors, Bloom's Taxonomy is presented.

27.11.2020, 11:46