How young they were as truly loved and believed in themselves

On October 18, 2016 the curatorial groups of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry and youth policy Department of SKSPhA jointly with the medical and social institution “Ardagerler Uiy” of employment management and social programs of the South-Kazakhstan region conducted a charity concert at the city level, dedicated to the International Day of elderly people.

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The International Day of elderly people has begun to be celebrated since 1990 according to the decision of the United Nations General Assembly. And now annually, during a golden autumn time we celebrate those who have devoted all the forces and knowledge to the people, who has given health and youth to the younger generation.

The purpose of curator hour was formation in the growing youth of steady moral relationship between generations, introduction in younger consciousness generation’s of respect for elder people the idea of honoring for ancestors, manifestation of care and responsibility for elder generation.

In the opening speech Zh.O. Kambarova, specialist of youth policy department of SKSPhA, and A.D. Serikbayeva, associate professor of the elder Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, congratulated the and wise generation on International Day of elderly people and noted recognition of merits and the importance of their work in our country.

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Active students of academy participated in a concert, the traditional respect and the respectful attitude towards the elder generation, respect for wisdom, honoring for ancestors sounded in their songs. The audience liked incendiary national dances of students very much. Performances of students was so bright that spectators danced with them, remembered the youth, student's years and sung together national and student's songs.

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The elder generation really enjoyed by the numbers of the concert program. The auditorium asked the senior aksakal to give “the bata” to the student's youth. Besides pensioners received mementoes from the charity concert organizers. The audience was very happy by the atmosphere of evening, the fact that students brought a variety in their life and satisfaction.

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25.10.2016, 06:08