Honor to the language – honor to the people!

09.09.2022 the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages organized and held the event "Tilge Kurmet – yelge Kurmet" ("Honor to the language – honor to the people"), dedicated to the holiday "September 5 – Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan".

The festive event with an introductory speech was opened by the head of the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy E.K.Salim and Associate professor of the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin Languages, K.Philol.A.Arysbayev, who spoke about the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Great Teacher of the Nation Akhmet Baitursynov, who is the spiritual leader of the Kazakh people, who made a huge contribution to the enlightenment of the people, strengthening their self-awareness.

Employees of the Turkestan Regional Library for children named after I. Altynsarin reviewed the literature at the exhibition support of the book "Til - tiregimiz, sogyp turgan juregimiz" ("Language – our support, the pounding of our heart").

At the festive events, the 1st course of training showed great activity, performed dances, songs, prepared a presentation on Baitursynov A., read out the basics of spontaneity in languages. Representatives of other nationalities also read poetry in the Kazakh language, taking into account the respect and sympathy of the audience. The participants of the event were grateful letters.

Each language reflects the history and destiny of the people, is the main residence, the environment of the society. If language so no words. Impossible human activity without words. It means, and language, and word-special categories. So everyone to think deeply about your native language.

12.09.2022, 18:36