Homeland of the great scientist of the East Abu Ali ibn Sino

Head of  the Department of emergency medical care and nursing care SKMA Seidakhmetova A. A. and  professor,  academic  Secretary Seitkhanova B. T. took part with the report in the international educational and scientific conference "The current state, problems and prospects of medical education", held by the Bukhara state medical Institute (Bukhara, Uzbekistan, April 12, 2018). At the international conference was attended by guests from near and far abroad-Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, the Russian Federation and the Turkish Republic.  

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New ideas, thoughts, plans and prospects of further development of medical science, which are laid today, and form the basis of our future. This conference fully covered a set of problems and prospects of modern medical education, set new goals and objectives for the participants, which contribute to the steady progressive development of medical science. 

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The main purpose of the conference was to sharing experience the best practices and knowledge in the field of medical education. 

During the conference professor Seitkhanova B.T.  gave an interview to the national TV channel "Ahborot". 

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16.04.2018, 21:23