Hi , Nauryz!
Holiday Nauryz is a holiday of the day of New year, which develops from the earliest times.According to the present calendars, and it comes during the spring equinox(March 22).In Kazakhstan Nauryz is celebrated for three days: March 21-22(2010). Overall , among the Persian , Caucasian and Turkic peoples Nauryz is celebrated as the holiday of spring and the beginning of the new year.
According to tradition ,before the Nauryz holiday is celebrated by the whole village,especially young people began to celebrate with meeting the morning dawn - planted trees , conducted the ceremony of planting flowers. The celebration continued playing national games, singing, dance, aitys poets, Kazakh wrestling, race, closer to the night ended with beautiful sight around the "Altybakhan".
In 2015 the Great ethnic Nauryz holiday was celebrated with a special scale in the orphanage "Bauyrzhan", which is located in the district Soviet of the city of Shymkent.The reason for that became members of the Department of "Health-2" and active students of SKSPHA.To help orphans and amuse their staff and students of the Department went to the orphanage "Bauyrzhan" and hosted a gala event at the level of SKSPHA.The festive event was opened by head of the Department "Hygiene-2", PhD acting associate Professor Yeskerova S. and congratulated the staff of the orphanage and the children Nauryz holiday.
As guests to the event were invited to zamestitel Dean for the specialty "nursing" Musaeva S.Kh, Deputy Dean of the medical faculty, specialty "public health care" 1-3 course Tolebayeva G.E the Chairman of the student Union Committee of SKSPHA Baimbetova B. S.
The event was hosted by the students of group 404 B OZ and 411 B of HPC Amirbek A and Shamiev M On holiday for 57 vospitaniia orphanage students tried to give great fun,singing,dancing.
Of course, the holiday Nauryz is impossible to imagine without a game in the national games. Students organized various games with children ("Sikyr tayak", "belbeu tastou", "kim tapkyr" and "sakhina tastau" etc.), and somehow they seemed amused the kids.
In the game "Kim tapkyr" childrens told about the national holidays of our people, national games, national costumes and national dishes, correctly answered the kids were awarded with valuable gifts from the staff of the Department.
At the end of the holiday the staff of the Department of Hygiene 2" gave various gifts to children's home "Bauyrzhan" and bonded in each of them confidence in the future. And all of these various necessary items to school clothing inspired kids.
Director of house orphanage took the floor and thanked the staff of the Department, the children sang, danced, showed their art.
Saying "take care of orphans ", our ancestors, and how we chose the path of Islam continue this education from generation to generation. Employees of the Department of Hygiene-2, which took up a good thing, are going to continue to organize charity.
At the end of words - in the state in which there are citizens who care about the orphans, help them, worried for the fate of society - will reigns stability in independence and a bright future!!!