Healthy generation - bright future

On April 17, 2024, under the guidance of the assistant of the «VОP-3» department, Onlasbekova G.M together with the interns of the ІЖТДҚ-19-23 group, a seminar was held at Gymnasium No. 75 in Shymkent on the following topics: "Formation of a healthy lifestyle", "Personal growth". hygiene."
Purpose: to clarify the essence of the concept of "healthy lifestyle formation", to explain to students that health is important for the lives of future children, to make it clear that one should not succumb to bad thoughts and external influences. To develop students' consciousness, observe personal hygiene, teach them to maintain health, educate and prevent the abandonment of bad habits.
The main tasks facing every nation, at whatever stage it is, is to educate a healthy, conscious generation that will continue its health, its business, its life. Teenagers' desire for a prosperous life and hatred of bad habits are closely related to their relationships with other people.
The adaptation of the generation to the laws of life, the foundations of well-being is an important and responsible task assigned to the school system. Educating the future owners of society with comprehensively mature, wise, cultured and scientific people is the great duty of the older generation to society. In this regard, on April 17, 2024, under the guidance of the assistant of the «VОP-3» department, Onlasbekova G.M., together with interns of the ІЖТДҚ-19-23 group, a seminar was held at Gymnasium No.19. 75 in Shymkent on the following topics: "Formation of a healthy lifestyle", "personal hygiene". The event was attended by assistants of the department, interns and all students of the 8th grade of the school.
At the beginning of the event, the first stage of the speech by the assistant of the department "VОP-3" Onasbekova G.M.
1 was presented. Presentation on the topic: The "Formation of a healthy lifestyle" was defended by the internat doctor of the IЖТДҚ-19-23 group E.D. Dzhulbkov and M. A. Usenbek with explanatory work.
2. The presentation on the topic "Personal hygiene" was conducted by the boarding doctors of the IЖТДҚ19-23 group Toishieva A.A. and Tagai U.K., who conducted explanatory work and answered the personal questions of the girls.
At the end of the event, students were provided with feedback, students asked their questions and received the necessary, strong-willed answers.
On the part of the school administration, expressed great gratitude to the interns and staff of the department who held the event.

24.04.2024, 12:38