Graduates of the magistracy were awarded diplomas!

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On July 14, 2021, on the ZOOM online platform, the Office of Social Affairs and Youth Policy organized a graduation ceremony for graduate students. The event was opened by the rector of SKMA M. Rysbekov, who congratulated the graduates on receiving their diplomas and wished the young specialists a happy journey.

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Further, the congratulatory speech was continued by the head of the department of scientific and clinical work, doctoral studies and magistracy of the Academy Zhaksylyk Alikhan Altynkhanovich, head of the department of emergency medical care and nursing Aizat Ashimkhanovna Seidakhmetova, head of the department of social health insurance and public health Sarsenbaeva Gulzat Zhanabaevna. N. Akhmetov introduced the order to issue diplomas to graduates.

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The activist of the academy Duysenbieva Meruert Meyrambekovna made a congratulatory speech to teachers and graduates. The event continued with a video specially prepared for the graduates.

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We sincerely congratulate the graduates on receiving their diplomas! May your future be bright!

14.07.2021, 05:01