Graduates of the College of Medicine were presented with their diplomas!

On July 9, 2021, a graduation ceremony for graduates of the medical college was organized on the ZOOM online platform by the Office of Social Affairs and Youth Policy. The event was opened by the rector of SKMA M. Rysbekov, who congratulated the graduates on receiving their diplomas and wished them a happy journey.

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Then the congratulatory speech was continued by the vice-rector for educational and methodical and educational work of the Academy Anartaeva Maria Ulasbekovna , director of the Medical College Kushkarova Altynshash Mukhamedkalievna.

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The head of the department for social issues and youth policy E. Salim congratulated the graduates of excellent students who distinguished themselves in their student years by good behavior, who took an active part in public events of the academy, and presented letters of thanks from the rector. The order on the issuance of diplomas to graduates was introduced to by N. Akhmetov.

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The best alumna, Selvina Khanalyevna Akkoshova, who took an active part in the public life of the college, made a congratulatory speech to the students and teachers of education. The event continued with a video prepared especially for the graduates.

We heartily congratulate our graduates on receiving their diplomas!

09.07.2021, 22:14