Good nurses in white coats

A concert named “Good nurses in white coats” dedicated to “12 May - International Day of Nurses” was held by the organization of  the Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education with the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Nursing on May 12, 2018. 

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The concert was opened by the congratulatory speech of M.U.Anartayeva, the vice-rector for Educational and Methodological Work and a special invited guest was K. M. Beisenova, a Head nurse of the trauma department №1, expressed her sincere wishes and gave advices to future nurses. The Celebration was started by “Report” of active students on the specialty "Nursing". The founder of Nursing Florence Nightingale’s Oath was taken and also was read the poem “My profession is my proud”. The play of  M.Makatayev named "No, Doctor" was performed. The celebration was continued by dancing and singing. 

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The Concert was finished by the speech of A.A.Seydakhmetova, the head of department "Emergency medical care and nursing".

15.05.2018, 09:12