Good luck, graduates of SKSPhA!

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On July 7, 2016 there was held a solemn presentation of diplomas to graduates of the specialty "Technology of pharmaceutical production and “Pharmacy" in the South-Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy.

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This year it was the first graduation on the specialty "Technology of pharmaceutical production" - 28 people, three of them received diplomas with honours. On specialty "Pharmacy" 14 graduates awarded diplomas with honour.

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The graduates solemnly uttered the words of the oath, the text of which was read by graduate Kusenbek Ykylas.

Congratulations were made by the Dean of the pharmaceutical faculty N. Zhumabayev, head of Department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry S. Ordabayeva, head of the Department of technology of pharmaceutical production B. Torlanova. With words of thanks a graduate of the specialty "Pharmacy" Aydar Utegenov and mother of student of "Technology of pharmaceutical production" specialty Erlan Kilybayev Bakhytkul Kuanyshbayevna spoke on the stage. The celebration was accompanied with a concert organized by students of the Academy.

08.07.2016, 06:34