Good deeds come back with good

In the hostel №1 of the UKMA, the department of Social issues and youth policy in cooperation with teachers and staff of the academy were organized “Auyzashar”

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Before the eve of “Auyzashar” in the assembly hall of the hostel was held a meeting of employees of the Department of Religious affairs of Shymkent with the students on the theme "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism."

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The academy staff volunteered to donate money for Ramadan, dining a table for 150 people and delivering tasty food.

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One of the best things in this month Ramadan is to give feed the fasting after sunset. This equates to the post itself.

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The students thanked everyone who took part in the noble cause. Lack of empathy between people requires us to do noble things.

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17.05.2019, 07:36