Getting to know the Academy in 3D walking mode

We invite you to a virtual 3D tour of the Academy. Now every incoming or studying student has the opportunity, without leaving home and without waiting for the Open Day, to walk around the Academy and look into every building of our educational complex. To date, the virtual tour is widely distributed and implemented on the digital resources of many higher and secondary educational institutions.
Specialist of the Department of Distance Educational Technologies Zhanatov Yerdauit Noserovich has developed a project “Virtual 3D Tour” for students, future first-year students and their parents, graduates, as well as for any user who is interested in our academy.
The purpose of this project is to increase the rating of the academy, convenient orientation for future first-year students, acquaintance with educational buildings online.
At this stage of the process of virtualization of the second academic building has been completed and posted on the academy's website
A virtual or 3D tour includes spherical photos with a 360-degree view, interactive elements, and also creates a presence effect and allows you to explore the premises of each building in detail. The main advantage is interactivity. The viewer controls the inspection process himself. You can look around, get closer to the object of interest for visual examination. There is also the possibility of:
- inspection without large material and time costs
- of inspection at any time;
- multiple viewing and listening to the attached information
- getting more information compared to photos
In a virtual tour, transitions occur from one panorama to another through active zones. These active zones are called anchor points and transition points.
In the future, the project will be continuously developed and supplemented with new opportunities and panoramas of other academic buildings. An important advantage of the project is the availability of the tour in mobile devices.
We wish you a pleasant online journey and look forward to meeting you already offline!

17.03.2022, 23:13