"From heart to heart" a charity event




In the Southern Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy since 2013 traditionally students organize the city social and needy pupil of schools charitable action on "From Heart to Heart". This tradition wasn't broken and this year. On February 23, 2015 deputy dean of pharmaceutical faculty c.ph.s.acting professor OrynbasarovaK.K. and the curator 302 Fk the associate professor of pharmacology with a course of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy, с.b.s. Abuova G. T. and students 3 courses of AshiraliS.With, Abdazim A. and Zhurabayev Sh. were initiators of this action. In support of needy youth all staff of our academy took part.




- Dean's office of pharmaceutical faculty;

- Dean's office of faculty of training of specialists with technical and professional education;

- Department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry;

- Chair of a farmakognoziya and chemistry;

- Department of biological chemistry, biology and microbiology;

- Department of normal and pathological physiology;

- Department of pharmacology with a course of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy;

- Chair of management and organization of pharmaceutical business;

- Chair of medicinal technologies and engineering disciplines;

- Department of history of Kazakhstan and public disciplines;

- Chair of Russian;

- Chair of foreign languages;

- Chair of the Kazakh and Latin languages;

- Library information center;

- The computer test publishing center – all above chairs and scientific centers gave essential financial support.



On all raised funds in firm shops 'Defacto', 'Kari' of «Bayan Sulu»trading house appliances (outerwear, footwear) were acquired and special help to 20 pupils was given. The staff of school expressed profound gratitude to organizers of action "From heart to heart". The youth which is trained in school, qualitative knowledge showing an initiative in acquisition, but because of the constrained appliances which don't have opportunity to receive them, rendering financial support to the needy – big business! Therefore, this traditional action will receive the continuation and from now on.





10.03.2015, 20:50