Formation of professional competences of students through active lecture

A series of open classes with the use of active learning methods ended with a lecture by the head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Professor Ordabayeva S.K.

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A feature of the problem lecture was the solution of the situational problem of determining the unknown drug. The planned lecture on "Derivatives of 1,4-benzodiazepine" is characterized by the complexity of the material, methods of production, a variety of physical and chemical properties, as well as methods of quality control of medicines.

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To solve a situational problem, students on the basis of a practice-oriented nature, using existing knowledge and skills and performing search actions, independently discover new knowledge, acquire new skills.

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To activate the students' thinking at the problem lecture, the lecturer prepared in advance the problem and informational questions. To solve the problem successfully, students had to take educational information with increased attention, promptly rework and creatively transform it, move their attention to various properties of drugs, methods of their analysis and other issues related to the topic of the lecture.

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An active lecture undoubtedly increased the interest of students in the subject taught, their ability to think independently. Problem lecture contributed to the active participation of students in live communication with the lecturer and among themselves, which led to productive interaction between the teacher and students.

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The leading expert of NCEM in Shymkent took part in the open lecture Izteleuova A.Zh., who noted the high level of pedagogical skills of the lecturer and the increased activity and involvement of students in solving a problem situation.

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25.04.2019, 23:19