Football tournament among youth organizations

In the 12 December 2020 with the support of the Department of social Affairs and youth policy and central water-sports complex in the city of Shymkent, chairman of sports club "bars" and the Department of physical culture SKMA hosted a football tournament dedicated to the memory of laureate of State prize in the field of education, science and technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Agabek Karabekov.The tournament was officially opened by the head Of the Department for social Affairs and youth policy E. Salim.

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The purpose of the tournament was to promote a healthy lifestyle and an active life position among students, to foster a healthy lifestyle in accordance with modern requirements.

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9 teams took part in the competition: "Zhas Otan", "Alliance", "Kazmsa", "Shabyt", "Zhaydarman", "College", "Farm", "Barys", "Academy".

All teams showed a spectacular game, prizes were distributed as follows:

I-place - Barys team

II-place - team of the faculty of Pharm

III - Alliance team

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All winners were awarded diplomas and certificates for active participation and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

14.12.2020, 09:55