First Republican Olympiad

The Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology on November 8, 2022 from 11.00 to 14.00 held the First Republican Olympiad for students studying under the educational program "Bachelor's degree" in the specialty "General Medicine" and "Pediatrics". The organizer of the Olympiad is the head of the department, MD, professor Seytkhanova Bibіgul Tolegenkyzy, the moderator is the senior teacher of the department - Odzyal Dayana Eduardovna.
The Olympiad was attended by 100 students from three educational institutions - Kazakh National Medical University named after SD Asfendiyarov (40 students), Kazakh-Russian Medical University (32 students) and South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (28 students). The Olympiad was held in three languages - Russian, Kazakh and English.
The Republican Olympiad consisted of 2 stages, test tasks and situational tasks. The answers to the sit.tasks were checked for anti-plagiarism. The awarding took place the next day, the winners received diplomas (1st, 2nd, 3rd place), as well as gifts (1st place - tonometer and phonendoscope, 2nd place - phonendoscope, 3rd place - notebook, folder and mug with logos academy). All participants received certificates.

09.11.2022, 20:57