First forum among "Self-government organisations"

On 21 September 2022, the Social Affairs and Youth Policy Department of the SKMA jointly with the higher education institution organised the first forum on "Cooperation and exchange of experience between self-government organisations at" Shymkent City University".
The purpose of the forum is to improve the system of education in higher educational institutions; the development of debates among students of educational institutions; the development of volunteerism; the formation of a unique format for organizing student self-government. The forum was attended by the chairman of the Shymkent city branch of the youth wing "Zhastar Rukhy" under the AMANAT party E. A. Zhunusbek, project manager for the development of the self-government system E. D. Baizhigitov, Zh. Tashenov University, Central Asian Innovation University, Shymkent University, Miras University, Peoples' Friendship University named after A. Kuatbekov Students of the University, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, as well as employees of the Department of Social Issues and Youth Policy of the Academy, and activists took an active part. The event was opened by the head of the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy E. Salim.
Next, our activist Alaidar Aruzhan spoke about the Bolashak structure. All the higher education institutions expressed their huge gratitude to the staff of SKMA for their initiative. We are sure that the forum held will open the way for our students to new impulses and new achievements!

21.09.2022, 14:08