Field studies in the framework of effective cooperation between partner universities

Field study “Quality control and certification of drugs” of a group of students from the Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov and the Bashkir State Medical University (Ufa), held at the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry was completed.

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Students fully implemented program of training and work experience. In particular, got acquainted with the normative documents regulating the quality control of medicines in Kazakhstan: Kazakh Pharmacopeia, I, II, III parts, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 193-4-304 “On people's health and the health care system”, the Decree № 1459 “On approval of rules assess the safety and quality of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment” and others. The students attended a seminar on “Pharmacopoeial requirements to ensure the quality, effectiveness and safety of medicines”.

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Practice program consisted of such sections of pharmaceutical analysis as common pharmacopoeia methods of physical, chemical and physico-chemical analysis. Students carried out a full analysis of pharmaceutical grade substances, tablets, capsules, injections, ointments, medicinal plants, etc. in accordance with the requirements of the Global Fund of Kazakhstan.

The students did the qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs based on chemical analysis methods. They are titrimetric methods such as alkalimetry, nitritometry, iodometry and others.

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Determined physical constants such as melting temperature, pH, loss on drying in the respective devices such as potentiometer “pH-150mA” device for determining the melting point, accessories «Binder» (Germany) and others.

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We consolidated the practical skills of work with a spectrophotometer “SF-2000” (Russia), “PD-303S” (Japan), and CK-3 photometer “30m3” (Russia) to determine the identity and quantify the studied drugs.

By using a high performance liquid chromatograph grade «Sykam» (Germany) software «Clarity» were identified, identified related impurities and assay of drugs. Authenticity and related impurities in pharmaceutical preparations is also carried out by chromatography on a thin layer of sorbent using a set of instruments: UV chromatoscop chromatographic chamber chromatographic plates.

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Students held pharmacopoeia macro- and microscopic analysis of medicinal plants and herbal remedies, identified moisture, ash, grinding, heavy metals, organic, mineral admixtures and others.

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Microscopic work on a biological microscope “MT 4000 / MT5000 Meiji Techno” Software Vision Bio (Canada) allow trainees to consolidate research skills of vegetable raw materials, forms and colors of crystal precipitation, the structure of the powders, etc.

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The students analyzed drugs isolated from the biological matrix. To this end, they spent isolating analytes from biological material, concentration, subsequent identification and quantification using modern physical and chemical methods.

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The students attended the lecture by chief editor of European Science Editing (SCOPUS), member of the European Association of Science Editors, рrofessor of the University of Birmingham (UK) Gasparyan “Publication of scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals with impact – factor”.


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Participation in the international scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of pharmacy and medicine” interns have left indifferent to the problems of modern pharmacy and medicine.

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Special guest was organized by the cultural program of the student union committee. Tour of the historic sacred places in Central Asia - mausoleums Arystan Baba and Yassavi, as well as hiking in the mountains Burgulyuk, all the attractions of the city left an indelible mark in the hearts of our guests.

The students are very grateful for the opportunity to guide SKSPhA passage educational and industrial practice in one of the leading pharmaceutical universities of Kazakhstan.

09.06.2015, 06:27