Field studies - from theory to practice

Accordaning to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 774 from 24.11.2009 “On approval of the nomenclature of medical and pharmaceutical specialties” and SES RK on specialty “Pharmacy” (2013), pharmaceutical faculty graduates to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical market and government specialists can work in positions chemist expert in toxicology laboratories.

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At the pharmaceutical faculty students pass the mandatory component - toxicological chemistry, as well as elective subjects “Bioanalytical chemistry and toxicology” and “Drugs and deviant behavior” and others. The final stage of the curriculum is a field study “Analytical diagnostics and forensic chemical examination”.

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In the current academic year main bases for the passage of training and production practices have been the State Enterprise “Centre of Forensic Medicine” MJ RK (Astana, Almaty, Karaganda, Shymkent), as well as toxicological department of the Kazakh Medical University Continuing Education (KazMUCE) (Almaty) and the Regional Center for Hyperbaric oxygenation (RCHO) named after Orynbayev (Shymkent).

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Trainees fully implemented the practice program. During the period of training and work experience students consolidated and improved the results of the theoretical and practical training and training in the field of forensic chemical expertise and analytical diagnosis of acute poisoning with toxic and potent substances.

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As part of the trainees acquainted with the normative documentation, equipment and workload laboratories for forensic chemical examination.

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During the internship, students performed chemical-toxicological analysis for the main groups of substances of toxicological, insulated from biological material extraction and sorption methods of infusion with water in conjunction with dialysis, mineralization, distillation, and others. The students perform all the functions of an expert chemist led leaders database of practices.

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They consolidated the skills of the work on modern physical and chemical appliances, such as high performance liquid chromatography with a flame ionization and mass spectral detector “Agilent technologies” (USA); GLC “KristallLyuks 4000M” (Russia); AAS “Shimadzu AA 6200” (Japan); spectrophotometer “Specord 300” (USA) and others.

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It should be noted that our students have left the most positive impression on the leaders of the database, they showed a good knowledge, professional skills, his erudition and interpersonal skills. Thus, students from all bases manufacturing practices received the official invitation of employment.

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The faculty of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry and trainees express their gratitude to the leaders of the bases for the organization and provision of training and practical conditions of the process:

·        CEO of the State Enterprise FMC Astana - Eskulova A.H and chief of chemical and toxicological department - Zhumataeva G.S;

·        CEO of Almaty branch of FMC - Alisheva A.Z and chief of chemical and toxicological department - Darikulova B.O;

·        CEO of the Karaganda branch of FMC – Bekmaganbetova A.K and chief of chemical and toxicological department Amangalieva T.K;

·        CEO of the South Kazakhstan branch FMC - Murzakulova T.S and chief of laboratory Begishova D.Sh;

·         Rector of KazMUCE - Togizbaeva G.A and chief of Department of Clinical laboratory diagnostics - Maymakova A.M;

·         Chief physician of RCHO named after T. Orynbayev - Kakenova S.K and chief of Toxicology laboratory - Morina S.N.

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10.07.2015, 04:42