Festive event "Kazakhstan - the cradle of friendship of people"

On May 2, 2024 was held an event "Kazakhstan - cradle of friendship of people", organized by students of 1st year of specialty "Pediatrics" and the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages.
With an introductory speech was made by the head of department on social issues and youth policy Y.K. Salim, who emphasized that for those living in Kazakhstan the main factor of their agreement among themselves is the preservation of traditions and customs of the people, language as a unifying principle, knowledge of the history of the country.
The unity and friendship of people in our country contribute to prosperity and progress of the state. Our main achievement is inter-ethnic and inter-confessional harmony, mutual understanding and mutual respect. The inestimable wealth of our country is the harmony, solidarity and peace reigning between ethnic groups.
May the friendship and mutual understanding of our people living under one shanyrak be strong, may the interethnic harmony and unity in the country grow stronger!

13.05.2024, 11:11