Familiarization with the meaning of the profession

19.03.2024 Acting Associate Professor of the Department of «Hygiene and Epidemiology», Candidate of Medical Sciences Z.I.Beisembayeva familiarized the students on specialty «Medical and Preventive Medicine» with the work of the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Turan district of Shymkent. Head of the Department M.S.Beisenbaev explained in detail the course of work in this area, the order of employment in the institution and the requirements for public servants.
The deputy head of the department Aibotaeva Sh.A. familiarized the students with the peculiarities of the work of each department, the rules of promoting healthy lifestyles among the population and conducting preventive activities, current regulations.
The trainees received answers to many of their questions about the competence of a specialist in the field of sanitary and epidemiological control and the ethics of civil servants.
At the department of «Hygiene and Epidemiology» the subject «Introduction to the specialty» is taught in the educational program of medical and preventive medicine. The purpose of the subject is to familiarize future workers of sanitary-epidemiological service with the main directions of their activities as specialists, equip them with theoretical, practical knowledge depending on the specialty. Objectives of the subject «Introduction to specialty»: - to provide scientific basis of professional activity to future specialists; - to form skills of self-education; - to modify in-depth training of research work in the process of training; - to form moral and ethical qualities of future qualified specialist.

04.04.2024, 18:33