Expert training

Representatives of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy took part in the international conference «Training an external review group and preparation of the reports», organized by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IAQAE)  (October 15, 2018, Astana).

Pompous conference program was presented by the experience of European experts: «From internal quality assurance to external quality assurance through the preparation of a self-assessment report: the experience of a French university», «An example of internal quality assurance of the doctoral education program in Spain», «Assessment of  training outcomes: challenges for external assessment experts». 

The great interest of the participants was aroused by the report of the Director of the National сenter for the quality assurance of professional education of Armenia (ANQA) Ruben Topchyan “The Experience of ANQA in Training Experts”.

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16.10.2018, 03:17