An open binary lecture on pharmaceutical chemistry was held at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry with students of the EP "Pharmacy", initiated by Professor Ordabayeva S.K. From colleagues from partner universities, the lecture was attended by doctor of pharm. sciences, professor Klen E.E., doctor of pharm. sciences, professor Ibragimova G.Y. (BSMU, Ufa), as well as doctor of pharm. sciences, professor Smirnov V.V. (I.M. Sechenov First MSMU, Moscow ).

Binary lecture as one of the active methods aimed at interdisciplinary integration of basic and specialized disciplines, as well as elements of problem-based learning. So, Professor Klen E.E. outlined in detail the issues of organic synthesis of biologically active compounds - drugs, quinoline and isoquinoline derivatives. Synthesis conditions make it possible to regulate the purity of drugs, to normalize such quality indicators as foreign and related impurities.

Professor V.V. Smirnov's material on developments in the field of synthetic analogues of morphine was very interesting and informative. At the same time, the mechanism of action of narcotic analgesics was outlined, pharmacophore groups were noted, on the basis of which morphine analogs were synthesized according to the action. The lecturer dwelled on the pharmacological and toxic effects of the studied drugs.
In accordance with this topic, professor Ibragimova G.Y. acquainted the audience with the rules for storage, accounting and dispensing, as well as the destruction of narcotic drugs and the specifics of handling potent drugs.

The main lecturer Ordabayeva S.K. presented the material in accordance with the requirements of the SPhRK to the quality of medicines. The prerequisites for the creation of synthetic analogues of quinine, papaverine, morphine were highlighted, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages. The students were recommended to solve the issues of creating new drugs based on the study of those available on the pharmaceutical market. A comparative analysis of the domestic pharmacopeia with the requirements of the Russian, European, British, American pharmacopoeias was carried out. Therefore, the next problem for the audience was to solve the issues of quality control of medicines depending on the methods of synthesis, chemical properties, problems of stability in the production and storage of medicines.

Thus, in the opinion of the student audience, present colleagues and invited, the binary lecture with elements of interdisciplinary integration and PBL was held at a fairly high level and achieved its goal, thanks to an increase in the activity of perception, thinking and audience involvement in the discussed issues.

11.04.2022, 11:25