On February 5 of this year, a methodological conference on industrial practice "Toxicological Chemistry" was held on the Zoom platform with the participation of 5-year students, the teaching staff of the academy and partner universities, employers of this program.

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Serikbayeva A.D., who is responsible for conducting practical training in "Toxicological Chemistry", acquainted the conference participants with the issues of organizing, conducting and results of the practice. 149 students were admitted to industrial practice and differential test, as a result, the quality indicator was 92.6%, average rate was 3.67.

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The trainees themselves reported on the process of passing the industrial practice in a more informative and interesting way. In their speech, 5th year students A. Kinoyatova and A. Akshabaeva shared their knowledge and skills of working on the GoogleClassroom platform, which was chosen as the main one for carrying out this practice. They interested everyone present in the rich loaded content, which they used without failures, with a large volume of files, videos during the practice, both on a personal computer and on their mobile phones.

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R. Iskakov and D. Kоchkarova reported on the experience of virtual consolidation of practical skills in the conduct of forensic medical examination of chemical and toxicological studies of "volatile", "medicinal", "metallic" poisons, pesticides, caustic alkalis and acids. Using the example of the chemical and toxicological study of "medicinal" poisons, the content used for the isolation, identification and quantitative determination of toxicants by chromogenic and microcrystalloscopic reactions, TLC, IR and UV spectrophotometry was described.

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Trainees A.Akhmetova, A.Kiyakova shared their experience of consolidating skills and developing professional competencies in the role of a chemist-toxicologist in laboratory express diagnostics of ethyl alcohol, carboxyhemoglobin by microspectroscopic, chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods. TLC screening of "medicinal" poisons, sample preparation of narcotic and potent substances, microscopic analysis of the Cannabis sativa herb, etc. on broadcasting platforms using video content prepared by the staff of the Department and Department of RLT SKMA.

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M.Torekhan and G.Akhyltaeva spoke about filling out electronic diaries on industrial practice. Like previous reports, it contained illustrative materials on loading assignments from the teacher for each lesson, on attached content in the form of SOPs for conducting chemical and toxicological analysis of toxicologically significant substances, videos, SOPs for equipment, UV and IR spectra, ready-made chromatographic plates with detected stains of test and standard samples for further interpretation, comments from managers after daily checking of diaries, reports, characteristics from managers and assessment of differential credit.

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Report by Professor Ordabayeva S.K. about the results of the questioning of students following the results of the practical training was no less intriguing. Here, students shared their impressions of the internship in remote mode, they appreciated the high level of materials for effective practice and expressed gratitude to their leaders. Feedback results will undoubtedly be taken into account to improve the work of the department.

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Despite the fact that the conference was a planned intra-university one, all partner universities of the department expressed their desire to take part in it: leading teaching staff from Sechenov University, Bashkir State Medical University, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Kyrgyz State Medical University and Tajik State Medical University.

When summing up the results of the conference, associate professor of the Belarusian State Medical University Dianov V.M. became interested in the material and technical equipment of the department, thanks to which so much video content was prepared for full-fledged practical training, access to students' equipment, and the skills of working with instrumental methods. Also, our partners were interested in the experience of using the GoogleClassroom platform. There were many proposals to hold such a conference with partner universities, as well as to organize practical training for students of partner universities in a remote mode.

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Moderator of the conference, professor S.K. Ordabayeva thanked employers from the Institute of Forensic Expertise in Shymkent, Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice Abdiev M.A. and the Center for Mental Health Uglanov Zh.Sh., who, despite the distance learning regime, agreed to become the leaders of the practice and contributed to the preparation of video content on some sections of the ChTA of toxicologically important substances.

10.02.2021, 22:35