Experience of application of modern methods of interactive learning in universities of South Kazakhstan

On April 29, 2016 at the department of morphological and physiological sciences, physical education with valeology held teaching and methodical seminar "Modern technologies of interactive learning", dedicated to the memory of Professor D.A. Adilbekova.

The seminar presented the work on interactive methods of effective lectures, practical classes and independent work of students. The seminar was attended by faculty of SKSPhA, SKSU named after M.Auezov and IKTU named after Yasaui.

Moderator of educational-methodical seminar, head of the department of morphological and physiological sciences, physical education with valeology, MD, Acting Associate Professor L.D.Zholymbekova shared your ideas about modern technology of interactive learning.

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The ongoing reforms in the higher education system due to the movement in the direction of innovative personal-developmental paradigm of education, the need to use intellectual creativity for human creative activity in all spheres of life.

Joint activity of students in the learning process, development of teaching material means that each individual brings their own special contribution, the exchange of knowledge, ideas and methods of activity are going. Moreover, it happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows not only to obtain new knowledge, but also develops the very cognitive activity and interaction skills, puts it on the higher forms of cooperation and collaboration.

Interactive learning implies very specific and projected goals. The teacher is now simply not enough to be competent in their discipline, giving theoretical knowledge in the classroom. It should be different approach to the modern educational process.

The seminar opened head of the educational and methodical с.phil.sc., Associate Professor A.G. Ibragimova.

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A report on "International Cooperation in the field of science and education by the example of the educational visit of Kazakhstan professors in universities" was made by Professor of "Chemistry" Department, winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.O.Dzhakipbekova and a presentation "Interactive methods practical exercises - case studies" –by head of the department of "Chemistry", Associate Professor K.A. Bekzhigitova.

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The seminar was attended by MD, Professor of the department "Morphology and physiology" of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Yasaui S.N.Zhumashev, d.m.sc, Professor I.A.Ishigov, c.m.sc., Associate Professor N.K.Khodzhaev, c.m.sc., Associate Professor M.U.Kamysbaev. Our colleagues reported and presented for discussion the interactive methods used by them in the learning process.

There was also a report in English by head of department of foreign languages of South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy, c.phil.sc, acting Associate Professor A.S. Sayfudinova on the topic "Using of the interactive methods in the learning process"

The seminar participants with interest discussed a variety of issues.

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To complete the training and methodological seminar on "Modern technologies of interactive learning" word was given to the chairman of CMC on medical and preventive disciplines, Associate Professor Z.I.Beisembayeva and then the participants shared their views on the done work. It was noted that the seminar was very interesting and productive.

10.05.2016, 03:03