Excursion to the historical and cultural complex "Shymkala" with students

As part of the implementation of project-oriented training in the course “History of Kazakhstan” on December 8, 2023, students of group В-PCAB-01-02-23 together with senior teachers of the department “History of Kazakhstan and social disciplines” Erkinbekova A.S. and Ibraimova A. Zh. under the guidance of the head of the department, Dr. Phd Nurzhanbayeva Zh.O., took an excursion to the historical and cultural complex “Shymkala”.
The purpose of the excursion lecture is to increase the historical and cognitive abilities of students, develop their interest in the history of their native land, develop a culture of scientific research, a sense of patriotism and historical consciousness.
“Shymkala” - “Citadel” is the only significant archaeological site in the country, included in the state list of historical and cultural monuments, the site of the medieval fortress of the city of Shymkent, which explains the history of Shymkent. Students visited the halls “Shahristan”, “Eastern Bazaar”, “Khauyz”, “Silk Road Caravan” and “Citadel” and got acquainted with the original appearance, fortification system of historically restored objects as a result of conservation and restoration work. The exhibitions located in the halls of the Shymkala Museum made it possible to clearly demonstrate individual events and facts of the history of Kazakhstan.
The significance of the event lies in the fact that the project-oriented lecture excursion allows students to get acquainted with the history of their native region, analyze important events in the history of their country, think critically, develop research skills and apply their knowledge in practice.

20.12.2023, 16:41