In the period from 09.11.2023 to 17.11.2023, within the framework of a memorandum between the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (Shymkent) and the First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenova I.M. (Moscow) a scientific internship was conducted in the profile “Pharmaceutical Ecology” for a master’s student of the 2nd year. Markina Ekaterina (Sechenov University, Moscow).

In accordance with the plan of scientific internship, master's student Markina E. got acquainted with the departments of SKMA, with the staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, under the leadership of the head of the department, Professor Saule Kutymovna Ordabayeva, as well as with the equipment of the educational and scientific laboratory.

According to the approved scientific internship plan, the master’s student completed practical classes on:
- Department of Pharmaceutical Production Technology in the discipline “Environmental Monitoring at Pharmaceutical Enterprises” under the leadership of Torlanova B.O., acting professor of the department, cand. of pharm. sc.;

- Department of Drug Technology in the discipline “Development of Medicines” under the leadership of Anarbaeva R.M., professor of the department, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, where personally met the head of the department Sagindykova B.A., doctor of pharm. sc., professor;

- Department of Pharmacognosy in the discipline “Ecological analysis of medicinal plant raw materials” under the leadership of Orynbasarova K.K., head of the Department of Federal State Public Health, cand. of pharm. sc., acting. prof.;

- Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry in the discipline “Methodology of Scientific Research” under the leadership of Asilbekova A.J. and about. professor of the department, cand. of pharm. sc.

Also, under the internship program, the master's student successfully became familiar with the content, methodology and current aspects of the research activities of the testing laboratory of Water Resources - Marketing LLP.

Got acquainted with the work of the production company "PHYTO-APIPHARM" LLP, where General Director V. Korotkov, Ph.D., gave a tour of the production units and talked about the brand "Korotkov's Balsams" under which the company's product is developed and manufactured.

Visited the Kaskasu sports and recreation camp and the Yntymak training and production complex, where the senior teacher of the department of pharmacognosy, Ibragimova Zaure Ergaraevna, introduced cultivated types of medicinal plant raw materials and the plant flora of Southern Kazakhstan.

The scientific internship is focused on strengthening fundamental competencies, the level of scientific and professional qualifications, as well as developing practical skills related to the educational program "Pharmaceutical Ecology". Its goal is not only to improve qualifications, but also to expand the cultural and general level of knowledge of the undergraduate.
The rich and exciting cultural internship program included active participation in visiting significant historical and cultural places of the city of Turkestan, where unique historical sites are located: the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, the mausoleum of Rabia Sultan Begim, the Gauhar-Ana mausoleum, the ancient oriental bathhouse, as well as Keruen-barn, an entertainment complex that unites a number of tourist sites, such as the street of merchants and artisans, and the oriental bazaar.

The master's student expresses sincere gratitude to the leadership of the Academy for the opportunity and to the staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of SKMA for the high level of organization of scientific internships, the professionalism of the team and the desire of each employee involved in the work to help in solving all problems and issues.

Sincerely, Markina Ekaterina, master's student of the 2nd year.
majoring in "Pharmaceutical Ecology" First MSMU them.
Sechenova I.M. (Moscow), e-mail: markina.psy@gmail.com

24.11.2023, 14:41