Exchange of experience is an important component of scientific and educational cooperation between universities

Academic mobility is one of the tools for improving the quality of education, and mobility indicators indicate the effectiveness of training programs.
Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy, and Clinical Pharmacology Ibragimov A.G. by the academic mobility plan of the department and SKMA and based on agreement and a letter of invitation from JSC MUK in the period February 26-March 06, 2024. was at the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines of the School of Pharmacy MUK.
In the discipline “Pharmaceutical care” for 4th-year students, lectures were given, practical classes were conducted, and independent work students under the guidance of a teacher the amount of 120 hours, of which 90 hours were in the format of contact work, 30 hours students studied independently outside the classroom.
The classes were conducted jointly with the main teacher of the discipline at the School of Pharmacy, Gulmira Marsovna Abdrakhmanova.
The calendar thematic plan and the discipline syllabus carried out the work.

During the period of mobility, lectures were given and classes were held on the following topics:
- Allergies, causes, anti allergic medications. Drug allergy. Pharmaceutical care for the treatment of allergy symptoms.
- Allergies, mechanisms of formation, antiallergic drugs and pharmaceutical care when prescribing them.
- Pharmaceutical care for pain symptoms. The choice of drugs for headaches, drugs for muscle and joint pain.
- Pharmaceutical care for the symptomatic treatment of asthenic conditions; treatment of anxiety conditions.
- Pharmaceutical care for dysfunctions and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (dyspepsia, constipation)
- Dysbacteriosis. Pharmaceutical care in the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis.Фармацевтическая опека при симптомах снижения и отсутствия аппетита.
- Consulting on the use of pediatric and geriatric medications.
- ATC classification of drugs.
Modern interactive teaching and assessment methods were used in practical classes and SIWT:
- Reflection. Reflective diary.
- Analysis of scientific and practical publications.
- “Magazine Club”
Develop the practice of introducing modern methods of teaching and assessment aimed at results. Use checklists to objectively assess student achievements.

Experience exchange:
It is planned to adopt the experience of designing classrooms for the layout of an open-type pharmacy with a wide range of medicines. Reception of practical skills in classrooms of this type.
Several issues were discussed with the head of the program, dean of the faculty Irina Viktorovna Loseva, on scientific topics in the development of medicines, the development of clinical pharmacy, joint research in the field of prevention and rehabilitation of patients using herbal medicine, etc.

19.03.2024, 18:41