The team of SKMA "High quality" consisting of students of the faculty of "Pharmacy" Iskakov Rishat, Kinayatova Adema, Torekhanova Kamila, Abu Aksaule, Tolegen Zhansaya under the leadership of the head of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, professor Ordabaeva S.K. took 1st prize in the direction of "Quality Management" in the Republican Student Olympiad with international participation in educational programs of Pharmacy, held on the basis of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov in a distance format on April 15-16, 2021.

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An application for participation in the Olympiad was submitted by universities of Kazakhstan that train specialists in the educational program "Pharmacy", including the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Astana Medical University, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev, Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University. A total of 11 teams took part.

The Olympiad consisted of three rounds. On the first round, students were tested online in specialized disciplines, such as "General methods of research and analysis of drugs", "Technology of dosage forms", "Organization of pharmaceutical activities", "Pharmaceutical chemistry", "Management and economics of pharmacy", "Management and Marketing in Pharmacy","Pharmacognosy".

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The second round of the Olympiad included solving situational problems in the areas of "Quality Management", "Pharmacy Management", "Clinical Pharmacy".

In the third round, which was organized as homework, students demonstrated a video clip on the theme "Design of a modern pharmacy".

The team of SKMA "High quality" immediately attracted the attention of the jury already at the stage of presenting the teams with a bright, original performance. The team name, emblem and motto were based on the continuity of generations in ensuring the quality of medicines, one of the most important tasks of modern pharmacy.

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Any Olympiad is an objective test of skills, accumulated knowledge, an opportunity to test oneself. Our team coped with the posed questions of the second round with dignity, according to the results of which it showed the best result and took 1st place. In the individual championship according to the results of the Olympiad A. Kinayatova took third place.

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The video clip "Design of a modern pharmacy" was liked not only by the jury, but also by those present with original, creative, relevant ideas and was rated with high points.

We welcome the aspiration of our students to knowledge and professional development as a guarantee of personal professional victories and raising the level of education in general!

We congratulate our students on their successful performance at the Olympiad and wish them further victories and success in their academic and research work!

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23.04.2021, 08:23