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On 03.04.2019, the certificate awards ceremony was held for the best students of the 5th year of the Faculty of Phamacy, who expressed a desire to participate in the competition for a nominal scholarship of the pharmaceutical company "Europharma". The selection consisted of two stages: testing and interview. After the first stage, 8 applicants were selected from 38 people. After a successful interview, Onlas Aidana, Arzykulova Aidana, Anwar Ardak, Dilaram Alimzhanova, Balymsha Atem, Alim Smadiyar (medical college) will now receive 15 thousand tenge monthly.

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The event was opened by the financial director of “Europharma” LLP Kazym Yermek Askaruly, who noted that this action is being held in order to support talented young people involved not only in the scientific process, but also in active public work. “We, in turn, attract you to research and work in our company that cares about the health and well-being of people. We hope that in the next academic year the ranks of the scholars will be replenished with talented specialists who want to move forward and introduce new promising ideas, ”concluded E. Kazym.

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The director of the branch of «Europharma» LLP in Shymkent also made a congratulatory speech, and noted that the scholarship is aimed at supporting the country's future intellectual and business elite.

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M.U. Anartaeva, Vice-Rector for educational work, emphasized that successful training, an active life position, and participation in the public life of faculties at Alma-Mater is a guarantee of solid knowledge in the specialty.

Director of the Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Organizations of the South Kazakhstan Oblast “Damu” Kh.D.Alzhanova noted that the academy holds a high standard and therefore graduates of the pharmaceutical faculty are in demand in all parts of Kazakhstan. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry today is a dynamically developing industry in the country.

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The event was also attended by the manager of the HR department of «Europharma» LLP, M.A. Niyazaliyeva, the dean of the faculty of pharmacy K.N. Daurenbekov, and heads of faculty departments. 

11.04.2019, 23:29