Еңсесі биік – ұлы Жеңіс!

May 4, 2023 by the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy in honor of "May 7 Defender of the Fatherland Day" and "May 9 Victory Day" in the large auditorium of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy raised the national flag and sounded the national anthem. In addition, a nationwide patriotic dictation on the theme "Еркін ел ұрпағы" was written among the students of the Academy. Then the event continued with a gala evening.

This year the Armed Forces celebrate 31 years and 78 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Rector of SKMA, Professor M. M. Rysbekov opened the solemn event, congratulated the staff and students on Victory Day and spoke about the significance and history of the aforementioned holidays.

The event continued with a concert program prepared by department staff and active students.
9 May is not only a holiday, it is the heroism of the people, it is selfless work on the way to victory. Our civic duty is to remember this day forever, to love the Motherland, to be loyal to our country.

Warmly congratulate all employees and students of the Academy with "May 7 Defender of the Fatherland Day" and "May 9 Victory Day"!

05.05.2023, 09:15