On the basis of the "Memorandum of cooperation between the South Kazakhstan medical Academy and Bashkir state medical University" (Ufa, Russia), 4th year students majoring in "pharmacy" Tashtemirova Feride, Orynbasar Madina, Abilova Arailym, Asan Baktybay, Kaip Berik together with the head of the Department of pharmacognosy, K. Pharm.Professor Orynbasarova K. K. passed practical training on pharmacognosy in the period from may 13 to may 29, 2019 at the Department of pharmacognosy with the course of botany and the basics of herbal medicine of the Bashkir state medical University.

As part of the internship, we got acquainted with the work of the University, the departments of the faculty of pharmacy, the feature of teaching pharmaceutical disciplines, research laboratories. At the Department of pharmacognosy with the course of botany and the basics of herbal medicine met with the collection site of medicinal plants, a feature of cultivation of medicinal crops.Visited the Botanic garden of Ufa science centre of Ufa, the experimental farm of the Limonar, visited the production company "Grass of Bashkiria", where he became acquainted with the production of various products from medicinal plants.Students fully completed the program of practical training.

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In addition to the mandatory program of practice, the students and the head of the practice of acting profess Orynbasarova K. K. took part in the international scientific and practical conference "Pharmaceutical education, modern aspects of science and practice" with the presentation of the results of scientific research.The exchange of views and experience of research and educational programs with the organizers and guests of the conference took place. 

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May 15, 2019 students took part in the Olympiad of the lower Volga cluster of pharmacy-2019.

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Also, the head of the group of students from the South Kazakhstan medical Academy acting Professor of the Department of pharmacognosi Orynbasarova K. K. was in the framework of academic mobility on the basis of the Bashkir state medical University.

The program of the visit included participation in the educational process with the students of the faculty of pharmacy (lectures, workshops), master classes with teachers, the introduction of experience of active teaching methods, discussion and coordination of joint educational programs, visits to scientific and clinical centers of the University, the base of industrial practice, etc.

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During the meeting the rector with the rector of BSMU Professor Pavlov V. P., Vice-rector A. A. Tigrinum and Dean N. In. Kudashkina's condition was the discussion and coordination of joint educational programmesto our universities, discussed issues of further cooperation. 

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Further development and strengthening of relations with the partner University, the search for new directions and forms of cooperation in the field of training of highly qualified specialists for the pharmaceutical industry will contribute to obtaining mutually beneficial results.

We Express our gratitude to the host party represented by the head of the Department of pharmacognosy with the course of botany and the basics of phytotherapy.farm.Sciences,Professor.V.Kudashkina employees of the Department for organization of exchange programs and a warm welcome.

The youth expressed sincere gratitude to the leadership of the Academy and personally to the rector of SKMA M. M. Rysbekov for the opportunity to gain new knowledge and for the opportunity to undergo practical training in one of the leading pharmaceutical universities of Russia

10.06.2019, 11:32