The first President of Kazakhstan N. А. Nazarbayev in his speeches repeatedly stressed that the country needs modern-minded people who will lead Kazakhstan forward, as the 21st century is the age of knowledge competition. In this regard, on November 29, the teaching staff of the Department of Organization and management of pharmaceutical business organized and held an educational Olympiad "The Profession of pharmacist". The sponsor of the Olympiad is the pharmaceutical company "Birlik-Pharm" LLP.

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The aim of the Olympiad is to identify the most intelligent, capable and talented students. 15 students of the 4th year of the faculty of pharmacy were selected for participation in the Olympiad by preliminary testing, of which 3 teams were formed. The participants included students of SКMA. To evaluate the answers of the participants, a jury was created, which included leading specialists of the Department, workers of practical pharmacy: Shanas Nurbol Tolegenovich-Executive Director of LLP "Birlik-Pharm", Аlmatova Raikhan Serikovna-Manager of the Association for support of medical and pharmaceutical activity "Damu" company in the Turkestan region, Blinova O. V.-ass.professor, acting Professor of the Department of Organization and management of pharmaceutical business organized, Utegenova G. I.-PhD doctor, acting associate Professor of the Department of Organization and management of pharmaceutical business organized. Chairman of the audit committee - Mamytbaeva K. J., master of pharmacy, senior lecturer, member of the EPC.

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At the Olympics was attended by representatives of the scientific Department, the Dean of the faculty, information centre, staff of relevant departments: Shaimerdenova Raikhan Anuarbekovna - editor of the scientific journal "Vestnik", a member of the Union of journalists of the USSR and Kazakhstan, Omirali Murat Adihanovich - head department "Pharmacognosy", C.Pharm.Sciences, Anarbaeva Rabiga Mutalievna - acting Professor of "Technology of drugs", C. Pharm.Sciences, Sabakbay Malik Myrzahanovich - Deputy Dean of the faculty "Pharmacy", C. Pharm. Sciences.

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The Olympiad consisted of 3 rounds. The first round is "solving situational problems". Each team received a set of 5 tasks in the disciplines "history of pharmacy", "organization of pharmaceutical business", "Management and Economics of pharmacy", "Medical and pharmaceutical merchandising". In the second round of the" Blitz tour " team captains within 1 minute had to answer the maximum number of questions. According to the results of the two rounds, the 2 teams with the highest number of points were determined-the team "Pharmaki" (19 points) and the team "Sunkar" (18 points), which reached the final. The «Vita» team was eliminated from the competition. In the third round, the finalist teams showed their practical skills. Each team in the process of preparation should go to the demonstration table and select the necessary funds for the task.

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The Olympiad was successful. The teams showed good theoretical knowledge, necessary practical skills and will to win. As a result of the competition, two teams reached the final. Diplomas of 1 degree and gifts from the contest sponsor LLP "Birlik-pharm", were presented to the winners, the team "Sunkar" (captain– Cerimbekova A., Coben A, Sakbaev I., Kuchkarov K., Bahtybek A.) who have scored maximum number of points (39) by results of three tours. Diplom 2 degree and gifts from the contest sponsor LLP "Birlik-pharm" presented to participants of the team "Farmaki" (the captain - Saparkhan D., Satbek B., Abenova D., Abdibek K., Radjapova Z.), who scored 37 points. Other participants of the Olympiad received certificates and gifts from the sponsor of the Olympiad "Birlik-Pharm" LLP( captain- Kochkarova D., Dudaeva H., Aldashbek A., Slamkulova D.). The jury members congratulated all the participants. The experience gained by students at the Olympiad allowed to consolidate professional competencies and practical skills. The guests of the Olympiad noted the high level of training, the participants of the Olympiad were offered to hold such Olympiads in the future.

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09.12.2019, 11:33