Educational activity of the department of «Higiene and epidemiology»

From April 7 to 8, 2023, the II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innovative technologies in Healthcare: new opportunities in internal Medicine» was held at the Samarkand State Medical University in Samarkand.

In the section «Topical issues of medicine», the head of the department «Hygiene and Epidemiology» Utepov P.D. made a report on the topic: «Modern approaches to the organization of preventive measures of emergent infections in cross-border natural focal regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan», as well as senior lecturer of the department Baikonsova L.O. on the topic: «Features of the circulation of influenza and SARS viruses in the epidemic season 2021-2022».

The conference provided an opportunity to combine the experience and knowledge of the international medical community. The conference was attended by scientists from leading universities of the near and far abroad, including Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan.

13.04.2023, 15:54