SKMA with "Zerde-Fito" LLP, within the framework of cooperation, dual training of 4th year students of the educational program "Pharmacy" in the discipline "Analysis and standardization of medicinal raw materials" is carried out. Materials were presented in detail on the topic “Quality control of medicinal products. Processing of medicinal plant materials. Fees, granules, medicinal teas, etc.” by Zhumataev M.Zh. – the head of production of the pharmaceutical company "Zerde-Fito"
The purpose of dual training is to develop students' knowledge about the standardization system and the categories of regulatory documents regulating the quality of medicinal plant raw materials, and skills for accepting whole raw materials.

During the training, students got acquainted with the nomenclature of official fees, quality requirements, ways of use, packaging system, storage, and the use of finished products.
The head of production showed two departments - processing and packaging.
Methods of grinding medicinal plant raw materials with modern herbal cutters in the processing department, determining the degree of grinding, and, directly, the principle of operation of herbal cutters aroused particular interest among students.

Universal shredder "Korsar 190", which is used for cutting industrial waste, vegetable raw materials, food was used for the grinding process. Sifting of medicinal plant materials was carried out using vibrating sieves. The crushed raw materials were divided into fractions, and the packaging was carried out on a tea-packing machine into filter bags using a multihead weigher.

Thus, the dual system of education makes it possible to train personnel who, upon leaving the educational institution, not only have a specialist diploma in a particular field, but can independently solve any professional tasks. This form of training allows you to significantly strengthen the practical component of the educational process, while maintaining the level of theoretical training.

04.05.2022, 16:52