Senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmaceutical Production Technology Bakhtiyarova Balzhan Almakhanbetovna held a methodological seminar "Dual training: experience-problems-prospects".
The methodological seminar was held in a mixed format (offline, online). The head of the production department of LLP "Zerde Phyto" Zhumataev M.Zh., the master of the tableting shop of LLP "Phyto Apifarm" Otey N.S., specialists of the training center of JSC "Santo", head of the registrar's office Syzdykova S.A., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Sapakbai M.M., head of the methodological department Rasheva B.M. and professorial-the teaching staff of the department.

A dual learning system is a learning technology that combines theory with production.
The main purpose of the dual training system is to train working specialists of technical and vocational educational institutions who are ready to master new innovative and technological programs that can withstand competition in market times, together with employers in partnership with industrial and business institutions of the private sector.

During the methodological seminar, questions were discussed about what stage is included in the process of implementing a dual training system, how many students should be sent to classes at the place of production, as well as ethical issues (distribution of academic load, payment issues), how the system of assessment of students' knowledge and skills should be implemented. Representatives of the production company also shared their thoughts and noted that they fully support the introduction of a dual training system.

From 2022-2023, in order to introduce a dual training system, classes on the discipline "Chemical Process control System" (4th year) are held at the training center of JSC "Santo".

Training in the dual system will undoubtedly improve the quality of the vocational education system by acquiring students' professional skills and abilities directly at the workplace and ensuring comprehensive professional development, interconnection, interaction, integration of various systems-education, science, production.

15.03.2024, 15:40