Dual education is the only tool for improving the professional competence of graduates

On 28.04.2022, at the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, a meeting of 5th-year students "Dual education as the only tool for improving the professional competence of graduates" with a member of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Shymkent, director of the Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Organizations of Damu Alzhanova Hadisha Derbisovna took place.

Topical issues of pharmacy were discussed at the meeting. In particular, he shared the changes and innovations made to the GXP standards.

The students were presented with a plan for the phased implementation of the standards of good pharmaceutical practice of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, implemented jointly with domestic manufacturers and other subjects of the pharmaceutical market.

Students showed interest, asked questions of interest to them, an open discussion platform was held.

03.05.2022, 15:48