Discussion of the organization and practice in distance education

The organization and conduct of various types of practices of the educational program "Pharmacy" and "Technology of pharmaceutical production" in the context of distance learning, it was decided to discuss with representatives of pharmaceutical schools and faculties of medical universities in Kazakhstan on-line on April 14, 2020.

The conference was attended by representatives of schools of pharmacy, deans, heads of educational departments, teachers of pharmaceutical departments of the National Medical University, Astana Medical University, Karaganda Medical University, Semey Medical University, and West Kazakhstan Medical University. In total, 72 participants were registered at the conference.

Representatives of the Bashkir State Medical University were invited to discuss distance learning in a pandemic conditions. The speech was attended by K. Pupykina - Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty, Kudashkina N.V. – Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor. Colleagues from the Russian university shared information on the use of various information platforms for organizing distance learning. It was noted that since strict quarantine measures were not introduced in the city, 5th year students undergo internships in pharmacies and help practical pharmacy in such a difficult time in all types of retail sales of medicines and medical devices.

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Heads of departments and leading teachers of the Faculty of Pharmacy made presentations at the conference with reports on conducting educational, production and undergraduate practice in remote mode on the AIS Platonus platform, using additional on-line communication channels to monitor the practice and consultations on various practice issues. Speeches of the Faculty of Pharmacy were presented by the following departments:

Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Head of Department, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Ordabaeva S.K. "Conducting production practice for quality control and standardization of medicines for graduate students".

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Department of Drug Technology, Head of the Department of Drug Technology, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor B. Sagindykova "Organization and conduct of practical training on the technology of drugs in students of the 4th year".

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Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Affairs, Head of the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Affairs, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Shertaeva K.D. "Organization and conduct of practice on the organization and economics of pharmacy among 4th year students."

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Department of Pharmacognosy, Senior Lecturer Serikbaeva T.S. "Organization and conduct of educational practice in botany and industrial practice in pharmacognosy in students of the 1st and 4th year."

Department of Pharmaceutical Production Technology, Head of Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, acting Professor Arystanbaev K.E. "Organization and conduct of undergraduate practice for graduate students."

Professor, Director of the School of Pharmacy Sakipova Z.B. She noted the importance of the event, shared information on organizing the practice in the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at the school of pharmacy at the National Medical University, and suggested continuing discussions on distance education, especially on conducting final certification and thesis defense.

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The conference participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to study the experience of SKMA in conducting professional practice for students of the educational programs "Pharmacy" and "Technology of pharmaceutical production".

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16.04.2020, 01:30