Discussion of the Letter of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev “Kazakhstan is in the new global reality: growth, reforms, development”

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On November 30, 2015 by the organization of the academy administration at the academy hall there was a live broadcast of the Letter of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev “Kazakhstan is in the new global reality: growth, reforms, development”, which was attended by administrative and executive staff, heads of divisions, heads of departments and faculty, senior curators and curators of the Academy.

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Оn December 3, 2015 at the academy hall there was held an extended Academic Council, where the Academy staff, faculty and students discussed the Letter of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev Kazakhstan is in the new global reality: growth, reforms, development, there was held an agitation-propaganda work. The Council was headed by Mariya Ulasbekkyzy Anartayeva, the vice-principal for educational work of SKSPhA. The reports were made by: K.B. Kemelbekov, the Head of Social Disciplines Department; N.Zh. Zhumabayev, the Dean of pharmaceutical faculty; Y.K. Salim, the Chairman of the Trade Union Committee and Zh.Isakulov, the student rector.

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During several days (4-7,December) at the organization of medical, pharmaceutical faculties and faculty of technical and vocational training the Council of faculties was held. The Council was opened by the acting Dean of the medical faculty B.O.Ashirov, Dean of the pharmaceutical faculty N.W.Zhumabayev, Dean of the faculty of technical and vocational training M.A.Otynshiev.

At the Council reports were made by head of the Department of social sciences and Humanities K.B.Cellbelow, head of Department of stomatological disciplines G.A.Nurgazieva, head of Department of history of Kazakhstan and social-disciplines of Janybekov M. A., head of the Department of morphological and physiological sciences with a course of physical culture and valeology L.D.Zholymbekova, student of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry Department A.Zh.Serikbayeva, the Chairman of the youth wing "Zhas Otan" of "Nur Otan" party N.N.Zhumabayev, Deputy Chairman of the student union committee N.Voroshilova, active student of the faculty K. A.Yemberdiev. 

18.12.2015, 03:37