Development of professional competencies on the basis of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

The production practice “Quality Control and Standardization of medicines” to consolidate professional skills was held at the base of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and at the Scientific Center for Standardization of medicines (SCSM) at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute of the Republic of Uzbekistan (TashPharmI).

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In accordance with the program and schedule of practical training, students-trainees carried out work in the field of pharmaceutical analysis of medicines.

The interns familiarized themselves with the activities of the SCSM, with the duties of the pharmaceutical analyst, with the regulatory documentation governing the quality control and standardization of medicines in the country.

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The students conducted general pharmacopoeial methods for the physical, chemical, and physicochemical analysis of dosage forms (tablets, capsules, ointments, solutions for injections, and medicinal plant materials) in all qualitative indicators.

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Trainees also participated in master classes by leading experts on such important topics as elemental analysis of medicines by burning in oxygen flasks and determining nitrogen in organic medicines by the Kjeldahl method, instrumental methods of analysis (GC, HPLC), determination of moisture by K. Fisher’s semi-micro method. others

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The cooperation between the departments of the same name of SKMA and TashPharmI started in the autumn of 2018y. During this time, Professor Ordabayeva S.K. She was invited to give lectures on pharmaceutical chemistry to students. A joint study guide was developed.

In the period of practical training, the Acting Professor of the department held a master class on active teaching methods for faculty TashPharmI, and also lectures on the subject "Chemistry and technology of synthetic medicinal substances" for students of the specialty "Industrial Pharmacy". Interdepartmental agreements on joint research work were signed with the departments of "Pharmaceutical Chemistry" and "Standardization and quality management of medicines"

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The students' internship coincided with the holy month of Ramadan. Our trainees were accepted by the rector of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Professor I.I. Alimdzhanov, who organized for them the iftar.

The cultural program was very rich and entertaining: they visited Samarkand - one of the oldest cities in the world, Registan Square, Shakhi Zinda complex, Gur-Emir Mausoleum, Bibi-Khanum mosque, etc. Also, our students organized the “Day of Kazakhstan” for faculty and students Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.

Students and staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of SKMU express sincere gratitude to the leadership of the Academy for the opportunity and the leadership of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute for the high level of organization of production practices, professionalism of the team and the desire of each employee involved in the work to help in solving all problems and issues.

27.06.2019, 05:45