Demonstrative lesson is one of the most important forms of methodical work of teachers, effective form of the best teaching experience implementation, an important element of training and educational process. It is aimed at sharing experiences, assisting teachers in the implementation of modern approaches and requirements of new organization standards.

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Thus, it was presented a demonstrative lesson of senior teacher Zh.T. Kysmuratova. During her lesson she used developing technologies for environmental education. During educational activities the students showed a high cognitive interest, it was created a positive emotional attitude for independent work during the lesson.

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Nowadays, the problem of relationship between man and environment is extremely important and the role of environmental education of younger generation is extremely high. The formation of responsible attitude to nature of younger generation is a complex and long process, and this topic has a great moral and ecological potential. The selection of texts, illustrations and related creative tasks facilitates the implementation of work on environmental education which doesn’t leave indifferent. High emotional attitude that was inspired by a teacher fostered students’ desire of knowing about the problems of the environment, as well as trying to decipher these problems by virtue of their age. For this purpose it was proposed “Environmental game” and situational environmental tasks. As a didactic material there were presented literary texts with environmental information; descriptive texts of aesthetic direction; texts with popular scientific information about nature. To understand the information of environmental character following videos were presented: “The people of Tokyo on the bombing”, “Chernobyl mutants”, “Experimental field. Semipalatinsk”. 

Students observed, compared, found examples of the connection between man and nature, phenomena of nature, environmental conditions. Consequently, Russian language lesson solves a range of educational and developmental problems. The style of the demonstrative lesson: lively, with the formulation of important problems. The role of Russian language as a subject in environmental education is due to its function as a means of acquiring knowledge and the formation of speech activities, which include, on the one hand, interpretation and reproduction of different texts (including educational information of ecological character), on the other – speak mind freely. 

The demonstrative lesson was presented by skilled, creative teacher, having a high level of methodical preparation and due to psychological and pedagogical and methodological literacy she implemented methodical findings for productive lessons.

22.12.2015, 04:45